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Solo Leveling might be the best anime of 2024 – Here’s why

2024’s anime season is buzzing with exciting releases, but one series has already emerged as the frontrunner for the title of the biggest anime of the year – Solo Leveling. Adapted from Chugong’s South Korean web novel, Solo Leveling has taken the anime community by storm. Here are the reasons why Solo Leveling stands out and why it’s a must-watch for both seasoned anime enthusiasts and newcomers alike:
Solo Leveling breathes new life into familiar MMORPG and dungeon crawler tropes. While other series stick to clichés, Solo Leveling surprises and subverts expectations.
Solo Leveling not only caters to its built-in fandom but also expands its audience globally. The English dub, led by ADR director Caitlin Glass, features top-notch performances. Moreover, Crunchyroll goes the extra mile by offering dubs in multiple languages beyond English.
Elevating the storytelling experience, Hiroyuki Sawano, renowned for his work on series like Kill la Kill and Attack on Titan, delivers a compelling musical score for Solo Leveling. The opening theme, “LEveL,” in collaboration with TOMORROW X TOGETHER, sets the perfect tone for the series.
A-1 Pictures, a powerhouse in the animation industry, does justice to Solo Leveling’s source material. The premiere showcases fluid visuals, thanks to the talented team led by director Shunsuke Nakashige, cinematographer Masataka Ikegami, and art director Yasuhiro Okumura.
Unlike typical fantasy-action anime, Solo Leveling introduces genuinely frightening villains. The premiere features terrifying statue gatekeepers engaging in intense and mature violence. The series doesn’t shy away from establishing the dark and dangerous nature of Sung Jinwoo’s world.
One common pitfall for new anime series is the lack of source material to sustain storytelling. Solo Leveling, however, boasts 13 volumes and an additional side story, providing ample material for a strong and well-paced narrative.
Solo Leveling makes a bold move by establishing a diverse cast of characters early on, only to cull the majority and leave Sung Jinwoo as the unexpected hero. This decision not only surprises the audience but sets the tone for an unpredictable and rule-breaking fantasy-action series.
Sung Jinwoo, Solo Leveling’s protagonist, defies the norm by being a brilliant and resourceful underdog. As an E-Rank Hunter, he relies on intelligence, ingenuity, and inspiration rather than sheer strength. The premiere establishes Jinwoo as a character the audience roots for and cares about.
Solo Leveling adeptly handles world-building, avoiding information overload and trusting the audience to understand the intricate details over time. The premiere strikes a balance between action, suspense, and intrigue without overwhelming viewers with unnecessary rules.
It serves as a perfect gateway into the world of South Korean storytelling. With millions of readers before its anime release, Solo Leveling introduces audiences to the rich and captivating universe of manhwa, web novels, and webtoons. Solo Leveling, the highly anticipated anime adaptation, has not only met but exceeded expectations. With its smart storytelling, exceptional production quality, and a protagonist that defies conventions, it has all the makings of the biggest anime of 2024.
